We work as a part of your team of advisers to help fully realize your estate, business succession, or legacy plans. Choosing a trustee is one of the most important decisions you can make when creating a trust. You benefit the most when your trustee has an earnest, dependable relationship with your family and can make investment decisions with your overall portfolio and long-term estate planning and financial objectives in mind.
Private Trust Estate
If you are searching for a way to secure your wealth and privacy that allows you to be shielded from taxes, creditors and lawsuits and that will allow you to pass on a legacy to your family for future generations then you need to consider establishing a complete Private Trust Estate. Contact us today for a free consultation that will explain just how that can be done.
Business Trusts
If you are looking to start a new business or are looking for a way to get the STATE out of your business, then you owe it to yourself to look into establishing a Business Trust under Common Law.
We offer a full range of services to help you free yourself from the PUBLIC in order to live in the Private.
TAO is here to help people change their commercial status from public to private. People of wealth do not operate publicly but rather in private. The private domain is a different ecosystem providing people the proper business structure to manage their commercial affairs in a capacity that is secure and literally private. These structures are not common to everyday people as the wealthy community has kept many of these strategies in private and out of the public domain. Now, you too can operate your life like those who know how to remove themselves from a life of liability to a life of privacy and security by adjusting your status through an educational system that you can control.
Almost all people operating in commerce do not realize that at the point of the beginning of their lives, their name and intellectual property were deeded over to the STATE by which they were born as a 3rd party corporate intervener by means of the Birth Certificate. This commercial instrument, represents a title to that name and the property associated with it that constitutes a liability and is truly not owned by the person it represents. Our scholastic system including our society has not been aware of how the commercial system actually operates and thus, has omitted this information early on to how the commercial world operates.
Until now....
Establishing the proper Estate plan, property management and asset protection platform to operate life’s commercial affairs is paramount. This, by far is the most important thing anyone could do if they wish to live their lives with more freedom and privacy that goes beyond the confines of the public domain. Realize, people have been unaware of how the private commercial world really works not just in the United States, but all over the Earth. This information will change one’s life beyond anything they could imagine if they are willing to engage and empower themselves to look at life through a whole different lens. Essentially, to reset their life in a way that should have been established at their birth but wasn’t as it was set to use each person’s energy not for their own benefit but to unjustly enrich those who keep these matters a secret.
Are you ready to learn the secrets of the wealthy?